1. Paper to digital
Digitizing the forms: The user need only fill out the forms once, allowing for edits if changes are necessary.
A snow plow operator takes on financial risk when purchasing liability insurance. It can cost up to $4000 for the winter season when it’s uncertain how much it will snow that year.
Global Indemnity understood that by creating micro insurance policies, it would help take financial risk out of the equation and help snowplow businesses to manage their budgets by using on-demand insurance.
What is important to the user experience?
What are the challenges to having sign up for liability insurance every year?
How are we to meet the insurers' standards but make it user friendly to the snowplow operators' needs?
Digitizing the forms: The user need only fill out the forms once, allowing for edits if changes are necessary.
By giving the operators the flexibility to choose their rate, it makes them more aware of their insurance spending.
Allowing for the ability to select what snow plows will be put to use when activating insurance.
Empowering the snowplow operator the ability to select the days to activate their insurance without the need of an insurance agent.